Matthew and I took the kids for a real quick beach trip a couple weekends ago. Matthew isn't the biggest beach person (he loves the mountains) so it was a pretty big deal that he suggested the trip.
The kids loved the ocean! I. ran straight for the water and basically refused to leave for the rest of the day. I ended up sitting with her most of the time so the tide couldn't carry her out to sea. She kept going further and further into the ocean. The girl knows no fear! X. and K. took a little longer to warm up to the water but by the end of the day they loved it. X. would walk up to where the water was coming in, scream and run back for the fort he was building. But X. loved being carried out to deeper water for wave jumping.
Ka. spent most of her time searching for seashells but when it was time to go back she pitched a fit of holy proportions. I think we will have to make more trips out to the beach.
The next day we went to the aquarium! I love watching turtles swim. I think they are so interesting and I can stand and watch freshwater or sea turtles swim for a long time. I also loved the jellyfish exhibit. Jellyfish are so cool! It is amazing how dangerous they are when they look so harmless. (Can you tell I once thought about being a marine biologist?) X. fell in love with sharks while at the aquaruim. Ever since we have been home X. main topic of conversation has been sharks. He found some books on them and is quickly becoming an expert.