Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm a Survivor

1. 6 days without my wife (at her brother's wedding in Canada)
2. 6 days with just the kids
3. Gave them baths twice this week
4. Took them to work for 3 hours one day
5. Still was able to work from home all week
6. Went to the store twice this week
7. No injuries
8. No sicknesses
9. Fed the kids at least 2 meals everyday (never succumbed to the fast food itch)
10. House is cleaner now than when Kristina left (there's a joke in there somewhere)

Either I'm just completely awesome or my kids are well-behaved.

Things to improve on next time:

1. Take the kids to the pool (I hate swimming)
2. Take the kids to the park
3. Do the laundry (sorry, it slipped my mind)


ldsjaneite said...

Wow. I'm still highly impressed. You may want to try narrowing shopping to once, too! :-)

SuburbiaMom said...

Good job, Mr. Mom!!

Quinn and Tiffany said...

Sounds like no one died, so that is good. I am glad the kids and you enjoyed yourself. I know Kristina was itching to get back to you.