Tuesday, January 20, 2009


My sister-in-law tagged me! I am a bit slow answering...sorry. The kids are having round 2 of the cold season.

8 Favorite TV shows
2. House
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. Food Network Challenges
5. Fringe
6. Bones
7. CSI
8. Law and Order

8 Things I did Yesterday

1. Change Diapers
2. Called the dr. AGAIN
3. Read a book (yes only one...it was a slow day) :)
4. Took a bath
5. Finished a craft
6. Folded laundry
7. Talked on the phone
8. Played with my kids

8 Things I look Forward too

1. All the kids healthy again
2. Buying a house
3. I have 2 books on my 'automatic buy list' being published in the next 2 months!!!
4. the snow melting
5. All my kids potty-trained
6. Vacation
7. Retirement
8. Winning the lottery--- I can dream, right!?

8 Favorite Resturants

1. Moe's Southwest Grill
2. Olive Garden
3. Pizza Hut
4. Chili's
5. Red Robin
6. We don't eat out enough b/c nothing else is coming to mind!!

8 Things on my Wishlist

1. Unlimited books!!
2. A trip to China, Austraila, New Zeland
3. More money
4. Live abroad
5. Free diapers
6. Free chicken nuggets
7. Plasma TV
8. Private swimming pool

I think that does it! I am not tagging anyone else, so if you want to do it you can!


Nancy said...

Love it! Thanks for letting us know more about you. I didn't know you loved books so much...wink wink.

Ashley said...

I laughed when I read that you took a bath today, because I remember how you took a bath at least once every single day our freshman year. I hope you still get to do that! :)