Tuesday, July 22, 2008


One of the perks about working for the church is that Matthew gets a vacation day on Pioneer Day. This year he decided that I should take a couple days and go somewhere (just me) to get a break from everything and everyone! YEA!!! So now the problem is that I have no problem going down the street holing up in a hotel room and reading for 2 days straight ( I know, I'm pathetic :)) but to justify the expense of a hotel room I feel like I need to do 'something'. Any ideas.....

Friday, July 18, 2008

Interview with a 5 yr old

For this week's entry we interviewed Kanayla. It was a cool experience with a few expected answers and a few unexpected answers as well.

  • What is your favorite color? -- Red
  • What is your favorite thing to do? -- coloring in coloring books
  • What is your favorite thing to do with Mom? -- getting hugs and kisses
  • with Dad? -- WRESTLING
  • with X. and I.? -- I like to help them play cars and trains.
  • If you could have any animal for a pet what would it be? A cat but if I could turn into an animal I want to be a dog.
  • If you could live anywhere where would you live? China because I like it.
  • What is your favorite scripture story? I like reading about Jesus blessing the little kids.
  • What is your favorite music? Jonas Brothers, my favorite song is "We got the Party." My favorite primary song is "I am a Child of God."
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A gardener and shopping at the store
  • Are you excited to start school? Yes, I want to paint and ride the school bus.
  • What if Mommy and Daddy won't let you ride the school bus yet? Then I'll cry because the bus drives and is fun.
  • What is your favorite sport? Soccer
  • Why is it important to listen to Mom and Dad? Because it is good and because it makes you happy and Mommy and Daddy love me.
  • Favorite book: Dora and the Mermaid Rescue
  • Favorite Movie: Meet the Robinson's
  • TV Show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

I hope that you guys like the insight into Kanayla's mind!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Explanation of Blog Title

***This posting is rated PG-13***

Well first of all, you have to get what the title is "saying". It's just another way to say that a person is not so bright. There are many creative ways to say this, I'll list a few:

"A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on."

"Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming."

"It's hard to believe that he beat 1,000,000 other sperm to the egg."

"Some drink from the fountain of knowledge;..... he only gargled."

If you don't laugh at these phrases, please, move on to some other postings and stop wasting your time.

Well about 3 or 4 years ago, my family had gotten together in Provo, Utah while a bunch of us were still going to school. When my family gets together we love to have discussions about anything. I believe at this particular time we were having a sort of serious discussion and we were brainstorming ideas and when I brainstorm I say some pretty off the wall things. I don't recall what I said, but I'm sure it was stupid, and in my family you are sure to be reminded by others of your stupidity. My brother Philip has some classic sayings to confirm your stupidity, and at this time he said to me, "the wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead." So I'm just making sure everyone knows the hamster is still dead. To conclude this post I'd like to share a video my oldest brother introduced to us a few years ago. There is no animal cruelty in this video, but make sure you are not eating anything when you watch it, it could come out of your nose.

Hamster on a Wheel

Friday, July 11, 2008

Growing Pains.....

Ivie has had an interesting couple of weeks. She has managed to grow 2 inches and now bumps into everything because she isn't used to the added height. Ivie is walking into all the tables and desks etc. Her other development is cutting her first molar. This has been a traumatic experience...Ivie is my first child to get the sniffles and mild fever that sometimes comes with a new tooth. She is cranky, tired, and refuses to eat! :( Today I thought a bath would help calm her (she's my waterbaby!) We were running the water, I had just finished taking off her clothes and diaper and had turned around to throw the dirty diaper away. When I spun back around Ivie was looking up at me with huge tears in her eyes and a puddle of pee on the floor! She looked down and the floor and just started screaming. I wish I took a picture because she looked so sad and miserable and cute. Hopefully this growth spurt will end soon....

Friday, July 4, 2008

FHE board

Granted this is bragging, but I am very pleased and proud of Matthew and my latest project!! We made a Family Home Evening assignment board for our family. It took us a long to make it (we would work a little on it and then get caught up in other things) but the end result is great!!! The kids love it because they each have something special to represent them. I love it because it is definitely 'me' and it helps all of us be more excited for FHE. Tell me what you think!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Soccer Players in the Making


Matthew enjoyed watching the EuroCup on TV this year (VIVA ESPANA!!! (edit by Matthew))....and Xavien was paying attention! Like all little boys, Xavien enjoys balls but ever since he saw soccer being played on TV it has become one of his favorite activities. Xavien runs around the house kicking the ball and trying to tackle anyone who happens to play soccer with him. Quite cute! To encourage his foray into sports, I took the kids out to a little patch of grass outside the building to kick the soccer ball around in real grass. They LOVED it!! We had to avoid all the dog poopies though! (People should really clean up after their pets. Seriously, I have curious toddlers here! No need to deal with dog poopies too! )

Since the mission was a success my next assignment is to find a soccer field or good substitute within walking distance...or get people to clean up after their pets!